Roman Sindelar
Founder & Managing Director

As a former professional ice hockey player, I myself have had a large number of sports injuries resulted from occupational accidents. During my long years in international sports marketing for Nike, I have been able to accompany many athletes of all gendres during their personal careers stories. One thing has become clear to me, most people are not aware of their entitlement to social benefits after an injury. After my time as a professional athlete, I myself received a reduced earning capacity pension after a long, costly and exhausting application process. To make it easier for all others who find themselves in a similar situation, I founded Provic - "Created to ease your life". With a team of experts, we bring together experience, motivation, expertise and knowledge from all necessary areas. This makes the path to the recognition of all claims from the statutory accident insurance much easier and we can offer to affected people a personal, professional and risk-free service
Das PROVIC team

Our dynamic Provic team brings personal experience from many hundreds of successful pension recognition cases, with the top success rate and we have a lot of active communication experience in the professional sports environment, with top athletes as well as in sports management. In close cooperation with specialist lawyers, we cultivate and prefer a pragmatic approach to social welfare institutions and thus fight for you and your rights using the most effective way to success.